The Biggest Building Material, Architecture, and Interior Exhibition in Indonesia

Attracting key buyers, manufacturers, and visitors from around the world.

Part 1 • 2 – 6 July 2025 • ICE BSD City, Indonesia

Part 2 • 6 – 9 November 2025 • ICE BSD City, Indonesia

Days to IndoBuildTech Expo 2025








The Biggest Building Material, Architecture, and Interior Exhibition in Indonesia

Attracting key buyers and manufacturers from around the world.

Part 1 | 2 – 6 July 2025
Part 2 | 6 – 9 November 2025

Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), BSD City








07 October 2020

Implementing Architecture Trends 2020 to Enhance Your Building Aesthetics

The Architectural Trends in 2020 moving towards a commitment to sustainable development and sustainable architecture. Society, in general, is evolving towards environmental commitment and architectural trends, as a social manifestation, as well. The use of recyclable materials, self-supplying buildings, and installations of all kinds that respect the planet are becoming more and more frequent. Other than that, we will present to you various architectural trends right below:

  1. Industrial Style in Housing Architecture

Designer: STUDIO.O. organic design | Visualizer: Michal Nowak Studio

Asymmetrical modes of architecture, both in apartment buildings and in other urban infrastructures, characterize this pattern. It is characterized by a mixture of iron, wood, aluminum and even recycled plastic, making it more affordable to create. In the industrialized form, straight lines and the absence of surface features are also typical.

  1. Open and Multipurpose Spaces

Visualizer: Leo D’uk Design Credits: Bruce Quist

A multi-functional space can be described as a true integration of different functions in time and space. For example, implementing multi-functionality within communities creates spaces that have multiple purposes. This method would allow you to enjoy more rooms, the ones you gain from the removed partitions, and very practical spaces. The integration of the kitchen and living room is the most common in flats with a few meters. But joining the living room with the terrace or the living room with the bedroom it’s also a good idea for your home or office design!


  1. The New Minimalism

Credits: Finn Juhl’s Copenhagen home

The trend towards minimalism in architectural trends translates into a commitment to simple forms using modern and avant-garde materials. It is a trend to use materials with quality to guarantee thermal and acoustic insulation that will result in economic savings and an environmental benefit for your house.


  1. Less Noise, More Light


Noise is a pollutant to which we are exposed inside and outside our homes. That is why more and more architectural design projects are made thinking about this nuisance, using distributions and materials that minimize the noise inside the buildings, and at the same time, architectural technology is developed so that the buildings take advantage of the natural light they receive from the sun!


  1. Passive Houses


Credits: Warren Woods Passive House
What emerged as one of the architectural trends, the passive house, has become a philosophy of life and a way of understanding how the relationship with the environment should develop. The architectural design in these houses has the primary objective of using the available resources to maximize energy savings. Thus, passive houses not only save their owners, but they also contribute to improving the health and quality of life of those who live in them.

Visit IndoBuildTech Digital Fair 2020 to fulfill your building material and interior needs and manifest these architecture trends into your project!

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