The Biggest Building Material, Architecture, and Interior Exhibition in Indonesia

Attracting key buyers, manufacturers, and visitors from around the world.

Part 1 • 2 – 6 July 2025 • ICE BSD City, Indonesia

Part 2 • 6 – 9 November 2025 • ICE BSD City, Indonesia

Days to IndoBuildTech Expo 2025








The Biggest Building Material, Architecture, and Interior Exhibition in Indonesia

Attracting key buyers and manufacturers from around the world.

Part 1 | 2 – 6 July 2025
Part 2 | 6 – 9 November 2025

Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), BSD City








More Brands Will Come and Embrace The Best Opportunities

As IndoBuildTech Expo’s vision and commitment to consistently generate an exponentially remarkable growth for each of the stakeholders within the building material, architecture, interior and construction industry, The participating flagship brands are gathered to discuss the best opportunities of the year ahead. Convened by IndoBuildTech’s organisers and take place at state-of-the-art Caroline Astor Ballroom – The St. Regis Jakarta to bring the freshest ambiance and hoping the occasion itself to bring a new and advanced dynamics towards the preparation to embrace the best opportunities of 2023 and beyond. 

Several flagship brands from the industry are sharing their opinion towards the best strategies to embrace all of the valuable opportunities for related business as follows:

Mr. Steven Lee Njatawidjaja – Artgrass

IndoBuildTech has always been a very meaningful event for our company’s activities where our good relations with business partners can always be maintained. And of course, we will always be excited to welcome back the next edition of the IndoBuildTech Expo in 2023 full of optimistic hopes which will also bring a special impact.

Mr. Alex – Mowilex

We are looking forward to having the biggest building materials exhibition like the IndoBuildTech Expo 2023 because we hope that an event like this can bring together a lot of networking benefits, especially with loyal customers or new customers who are certainly more diverse than before.

Ms. Reissy Hermansyah – Kenari Djaja

With the IndoBuildTech Expo 2023 activity, we, as a brand that has been in the door handle product category for a long time, hope to be able to maintain our brand existence so that we can always introduce product progress and innovation to customers across generations.

Ms. Karen Wulandari – ONDA

IndoBuildTech has always been a great place to introduce the brand to a wider range of customers and is certainly a key moment in improving more business objective performance such as sales and brand reach. We hope that in the next edition IndoBuildTech Expo can bring more positive benefits.

With this positive optimism from various point of view, the opportunities for the year ahead are becoming more reachable through the collective and systematic movements generated by the foremost industry stakeholders within the active members of IndoBuildTech’s valued participating community.

IndoBuildTech Expo 2023 will be held on 5-9 July 2023 at ICE BSD City with full optimism and ready to embrace all of the forthcoming opportunities for all businesses across industry sectors. 

Get the best possible business opportunities by participating in IndoBuildTech Expo 2023!